Cherish ★★ 2002 (R)
Zoe (Tunney) is a nervous San Francisco dot commer who, under convoluted circumstances, winds up accused of vehicular manslaughter while driving under the influence. She winds up under house arrest wearing an electronic surveillance anklet with deputy Daly (Blake) to check up on her. She gets to make friends with her neighbors and convinces Daly to help her find the stalker who's the cause of all her misery. Confusing blend of genres with a good soundtrack. 99m/C VHS, DVD . US Robin Tunney, Tim Blake Nelson, Jason Priestley, Nora Dunn, Brad Hunt, Liz Phair, Lindsay Crouse, Stephen Polk, Ricardo Gil, Kenny Kwong; D: Finn Taylor; W: Finn Taylor; C: Barry Stone; M: Mark De Gil Antoni.
cher·ish / ˈcherish/ • v. [tr.] protect and care for (someone) lovingly: he cared for me beyond measure and cherished me in his heart. ∎ hold (something) dear: I cherish the letters she wrote. ∎ (of a hope, idea, or memory) think of longingly or lovingly: we will cherish your memory.
cherish XIV. — (O)F. chériss-, extended stem of chérir, f. cher dear :- L. cārus; see -ISH 2.