Chatellier, Louis
CHATELLIER, Louis. French, b. 1935. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: High school teacher in Strasbourg, France, 1963-66; Centre Nationale Recherche Scientifique, Strasbourg, research assistant, 1966-70; Universite de Strasbourg, assistant principal, 1970-80; Universite Lyon, professor, 1980-81; Universite Nancy II, professor, 1981-; Institut Universitaire de France, professor, 1996. Publications: Tradition christienne et remouveau catholique dans l'ancien diocese de Strasbourg (title means: Christian Tradition and Catholic Renewal in the Old Diocese of Strasbourg), 1981; L'Europe de devots, 1987, trans by J. Birrell as The Europe of the Devout: The Catholic Reformation and the Formation of a New Society, 1989; The Religion of the Poor: Rural Missions in Europe and the Formation of Modern Catholicism, c. 1500-1800, 1993, trans. 1997; (ed.) Religions en transition dans la seconde moitie du XVIII siecle, 2000; Les espaces infinis et le silence de Dieu, 2003. Address: Universite Nancy II, 23 Boulevard Albert I, 54000 Nancy, France. Online address: