Chasing Liberty

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Chasing Liberty ★★½ 2004 (PG-13)

Singer Moore is restless and rebellious First Daughter Anna, who chafes under the scrutiny of the Secret Service. Mayhem and romance ensues when Anna tags along on a friend's travels across Europe and meets up with a cutie Brit (Goode). While Moore has better acting chops than your average pop singer turned movie actor, this isn't much more than a decaffeinated version of “Roman Holiday.” Even so, it should please its target audience of pre-adolescent girls. 110m/ C DVD . US Mandy Moore, Matthew Goode, Mark Harmon, Caroline Goodall, Jeremy Piven, Anna-bella Sciorra, Stark Sands, Miriam Margolyes, Beatrice Rosen(blatt); D: Andy Cadiff; W: Derek Guiley, David Schneiderman; C: Ashley Rowe; M: Christian Henson.

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