Carver, Terrell

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CARVER, Terrell

CARVER, Terrell. American, b. 1946. Genres: History, Politics/Government, Biography. Career: University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, lecturer in politics, 1974-79; University of Bristol, Bristol, England, lecturer, 1980-89, reader in politics, 1990-94, professor of politics, 1995-. Publications: Karl Marx: Texts on Method, 1975; Engels, 1981; Marx's Social Theory, 1982; Marx and Engels: The Intellectual Relationship, 1983; A Marx Dictionary, 1987; Friedrich Engels: His Life and Thought, 1990; Marx, 1991; Marx: Later Writings, 1996; Gender Is Not a Synonym for Women, 1996; The Postmodern Marx, 1998. EDITOR: (and trans.) J. Zeleny, The Logic of Marx, 1980; (and trans.) G. Bekerman, Marx and Engels: A Conceptual Concordance, 1983; (and trans.) H. Uchida, Marx's Grundrisse and Hegel's Logic, 1988; (with P. Thomas) Rational Choice Marxism, 1995. Address: Department of Politics, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TU, England. Online address:

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