Carver, Martin

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CARVER, Martin

CARVER, Martin. Scottish, b. 1941. Genres: Archaeology/Antiquities, History, Urban studies. Career: H.M. Forces (British Army), Royal Tank Regiment, army officer, 1959-72; freelance archaeologist, 1972-76; Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit, director, 1977-86; University of York, England, professor of archaeology, 1986-, director, Centre for Medieval Studies, 2001-02. Antiquity, editor, 2003-. Publications: Underneath English Towns, 1986; Arguments in Stone, 1993; Sutton Hoo Burial Ground of Kings?, 1998; Surviving in Symbols: A Visit to the Pictish Nation, 1999; Archaeological Value and Evaluation, 2003. EDITOR: Medieval Worcester, 1980; The Age of Sutton Hoo, 1992; In Search of Cult, 1993; The Cross Goes North, 2003. Address: Ella House, Ellerton, York YO42 4PB, England. Online address:

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