Cachia, Pierre (Jacques Elie)
CACHIA, Pierre (Jacques Elie)
CACHIA, Pierre (Jacques Elie). British (born Egypt), b. 1921. Genres: Language/Linguistics, Literary criticism and history. Career: Professor Emeritus, Columbia University, NYC, 1991- (Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, 1975-91; Chairman, Dept. of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, 1980-83). Joint Ed., Journal of Arabic Literature, Leiden, 1970-96. Assistant Lecturer, 1949-50, Lecturer, 1950-65, Sr. Lecturer, 1965-69, and Reader in Arabic, 1969-76, Edinburgh University. Publications: Taha Husayn: His Place in the Egyptian Literary Renaissance, 1956; (with W. Watt) A History of Islamic Spain, 1965; (comp.) The Monitor: A Dictionary of Arabic Grammatical Terms, Arabic/English. English/Arabic, 1973; Popular Narrative Ballads of Modem Egypt, 1989; An Overview of Modern Arabic Literature, 1990; The Arch Rhetorician or the Schemer's Skimmer: A Handbook of Late Arabic Badi, 1998; (with A. Cachia) Landlocked Islands: Two Alien Lives in Egypt, 1999; Arabic Literature: An Overview, 2002. EDITOR: The Book of the Demonstration by Eutychius of Alexandria, vol. l, 1960, vol. 2, 1961; (joint) Islam: Past Influence and Present Challenge, 1979. TRANSLATOR: The Prison of Life by Tawfiq al-Hakim, 1992; Blood and Mud by Y. Haqqi, 1999. Address: 456 Riverside Dr Apt 8A, New York, NY 10027-6811, U.S.A. Online address: