Burroughs, William James
BURROUGHS, William James
BURROUGHS, William James. British, b. 1942. Genres: Environmental sciences/Ecology, Geography, Marine sciences/Oceanography, Meteorology/Atmospheric sciences, Technology. Career: National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, England, researcher, 1964-71; British Embassy, Washington, DC, scientific attache, 1971-74; Department of Energy, London, policy official, 1974-87; Department of Health, London, policy official, 1987-91, director of research management, 1991-93, head of international relations, 1993-95; Author of columns in London Times, 1987-90; writer. Publications: Lasers, 1976; Understanding Lasers, 1982; Lasers, 1984; Watching the World's Weather, 1991; Weather Cycles: Real or Imaginary?, 1992; Mountain Weather: A Guide for Skiers and Hillwalkers, 1995; (co-author) The Nature Company Guide to the Weather, 1996; Does the Weather Really Matter?, 1997; The Climate Revealed, 1999; (co-author) Maritime Weather and Climate, 1999; Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2001; (ed.) Climate: Into the 21st Century, 2003. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Squirrels Oak, Clandon Rd, West Clandon, Surrey GU4 7UW, England. Online address: BillSqoak@aol.com