Buitenhuis, Peter M.

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BUITENHUIS, Peter M. Canadian, b. 1925. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Yale University, New Haven, CT, Member of faculty, 1955-59, University of Toronto, Member of faculty, 1959-66; Professor of English, McGill University, Montreal, 1967-75; Professor, Dept. of English, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, 1975-, Chairman, 1975-81, now emeritus. Publications: Five American Moderns, 1965; Hugh MacLennan, 1969; The Grasping Imagination: The American Writings of Henry James, 1970; The Restless Analyst: Essays by Henry James, 1980; The Great War of Words: British, American and Canadian Fiction and Propaganda 1914-1933, 1987; The House of Seven Gables: Severing Family and Colonial Ties, 1991. EDITOR: French Writers and American Women: Essays by Henry James, 1960; Selected Poems by E. J. Pratt, 1968; Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Portrait of a Lady, 1968; George Orwell: A Reassessment, 1988. Address: 7019 Marine Dr W, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5A 1S6. Online address: buitenhu@sfu.ca

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Buitenhuis, Peter M.

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