Bronner, Leila Leah

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BRONNER, Leila Leah

BRONNER, Leila Leah. American (born Czechoslovakia). Genres: Theology/Religion, Biography, History. Career: Witwatersrand University, tenured associate professor, 1960-84; Hebrew Teachers' College, senior lecturer, 1966-78; Harvard University, visiting fellow, 1984; Yeshiva University, visiting professor, 1985-87; University of Southern California, visiting scholar, 1986-87; University of Judaism, adjunct associate professor, 1987-90; Institute of Bible and Jewish Studies, professor, 1991-. Professionally affiliated throughout her career with Witwatersrand University Continuing Adult Education, the Jewish Board of Deputies, and the Zionist Federation. Publications: Sects and Separatism During the Second Jewish Commonwealth, 1967; The Stories of Elijah and Elisha, 1968; Biblical Personalities and Archeology, 1974; From Eve to Esther: The Rabbinic Reconstruction of Biblical Women, 1994. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: 180 North Las Palmas Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90004, U.S.A. Online address:

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Bronner, Leila Leah

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