Brock, William Ranulf
BROCK, William Ranulf
BROCK, William Ranulf. British, b. 1916. Genres: History, Politics/Government. Career: Life Fellow, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1967- (Fellow, from 1947). Fellow, British Academy, 1990-. Lecturer in History, Cambridge University, 1949-67; Professor of History, University of Glasgow, 1967-81. Publications: Lord Liverpool and Liberal Toryism, 1941; Britain and the Dominions, 1950; The Character of American History, 1960; An American Crisis, 1963; The Evolution of American Democracy, 1970; Conflict and Transformation in the U.S., 1844-1877, 1973; The United States, 1789-1890: Sources of History, 1975; Politics and Political Conscience, 1979; Scotus Americanus, 1981; Investigation and Responsibility, 1984; Welfare Democracy, and the New Deal, 1988; Selwyn College: A History, 1994. Address: 49 Barton Rd, Cambridge CB3 9LG, England. Online address: