Brenner, Yehojachin Simon

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BRENNER, Yehojachin Simon

BRENNER, Yehojachin Simon. Dutch (born Germany), b. 1926. Genres: Economics, Novels. Career: University of Cape Coast, Ghana, Head of Economics Dept., 1962-67; Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Deputy Chairman of Economic Planning Courses, 1967-69; Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Professor of Economics, 1969-72; University of Utrecht, Professor of Economics, 1972-96, Emeritus Professor, 1996-. Journal of Income Distribution, Editor, 1991-2002. Publications: Theories of Economic Development and Growth, 1966, 1969; A Short History of Economic Progress, 1969; Agriculture and the Economic Development of Low Income Countries, 1971; Introduction to Economics, 1972; A Short History of Economic Progress, 1973; Looking into the Seeds of Time, 1979; (co-author) Bezuinigen is geen Werk, 1981; Capitalism, Competition, and Economic Crisis, 1984; (co-author) Visies op Verdelng, 1986; The Theory of Income and Wealth Distribution, 1988; (co-author) Maatschappelijk Klimaat en Economisch Elan, 1990; The Rise and Fall of Capitalism, 1991; Income Distribution in Historical Perspective, 1991; A Theory of Full Employment, 1996; Ghana: A World Apart, 2003. NOVELS: Verboden Land, 1992; Dissidents, 1996. Address: Mozartlaan 23, 3723 JL Bilthoven, Netherlands. Online address:

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