Boyle, Josephine

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BOYLE, Josephine

BOYLE, Josephine. British, b. 1935. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Local history/Rural topics. Career: Worked for Augener's Music Publisher and British Broadcasting Corp. Music Library, 1956-59; homemaker, 1960-82; writer, 1984-. Publications: NOVELS: A Spectre in the Hall, 1984; Summer Music, 1986; Maiden's End, 1988; Knock, Knock, Who's There?, 1989; Holy Terror, 1993; The Spirit of the Family, 2000. NON-FICTION: Builders of Repute: The Story of Reader Bros., 2002. Address: c/o Anne Dewe, Andrew Mann Ltd., 1 Old Compton St, London W1V 5PH, England.

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