Bodily Harm

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Bodily Harm ★★ 1995 (R)

By-the-numbers neo-noir features Fiorentino as Vegas detective Rita Cates, who's investigating the murders of two women with ties to ex-cop Sam McKeon (Baldwin), not incidentally Rita's former lover. She rekindles their lust but then begins to have second thoughts about Sam's innocence. Un- convincing despite the expert cast. 91m/C VHS . Linda Fiorentino, Daniel Baldwin, Gregg Henry, Bill Smitrovich, Troy Evans, Joe Regalbuto, Millie Perkins, Todd Susman, Shannon Kenny; D: James (Momel) Lemmo; W: James (Momel) Lem-mo, Joseph Whaley, Ronda Barendse; M: Robert Sprayberry.

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