Batt, Tanya Robyn
BATT, Tanya Robyn
BATT, Tanya Robyn. New Zealander, b. 1970. Genres: Mythology/Folklore. Career: Storyteller, author, and early childhood specialist. Imagined Worlds, Auckland, New Zealand, owner, 1995-. Facilitator at workshops for teachers and caregivers; teacher of creative dance and drama to children. Publications: Faery Favourites (audio recording), 2000; (Reteller) The Fabrics of Fairytale: Stories Spun from Far and Wide (with audio recording), 2000; Mermaid Tales (audio recording), 2001; The Terrible Queue, 2001; Imagined Worlds: A Journey through Expressive Arts in Early Childhood, 2001; A Child's Book of Fairies, 2002; The Fairy's Gift, 2002. Contributor of poetry to periodicals. Address: Imagined Worlds, PO Box 24566, Royal Oak, Auckland, New Zealand. Online address: