Barron-Tieger, Barbara
BARRON-TIEGER, Barbara. American. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry, Film. Career: Author, consultant, trainer. Publications: WITH P.D. TIEGER: Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You through the Secrets of Personality Type, 1992; The Personality Type Tool Kit: The Career Professional's Guide to Do What You Are, 1995; Nurture by Nature: Understand Your Child's Personality Type-and Become a Better Parent, 1997; The Art of Speedreading People: Harness the Power of Personality Type and Create What You Want in Business and in Life, 1998, as The Art of Speedreading People: How to Size People Up and Speak Their Language, 1999; Just Your Type: Create the Relationship You've Always Wanted Using the Secrets of Personality Type, 2000. Address:, 20 Beverly Rd., West Hartford, CT 06119, U.S.A. Online address: