Barnes, John (Allen)
BARNES, John (Allen)
BARNES, John (Allen). American, b. 1957. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy, Westerns/Adventure, Young adult fiction, Theatre. Career: Middle South Services, New Orleans, LA, systems analyst, 1982-84; computer consultant, 1985-94; self-employed, 1988-90; writer. Publications: The Man Who Pulled down the Sky, 1986; Sin of Origin, 1987; Orbital Resonance, 1991; A Million Open Doors, 1992; Wartide, 1992; Battle Cry, 1992; Union Fires, 1992; Mother of Storms, 1994; Kaleidoscope Century, 1995; One for the Morning Glory, 1996; (with B. Aldrin) Encounter with Tibor, 1996; Earth Made of Glass, 1997; Patton's Spaceship, 1997; Washington's Dirigible, 1997; Caesar's Bicycle, 1997; Finity, 1998; Apostrophes and Apocalypses, 1998; Candle, 2000; (with B. Aldrin) The Return, 2000; The Merchants of Souls, 2001; The Sky So Big and Black, 2002; The Duke of Uranium, 2002; A Princess of the Aerie, 2003; In the Hall of the Martian King, 2003. Address: c/o Ashley Grayson, 1342 18th St, San Pedro, CA 90732, U.S.A. On-line address: