Bailey, D(avid) R. Shackleton

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BAILEY, D(avid) R. Shackleton

BAILEY, D(avid) R. Shackleton. American/British, b. 1917. Genres: Classics, History, Translations. Career: Emeritus Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1988- (Visiting Lecturer, 1963; Professor of Greek and Latin, 1975-82; Pope Professor of Latin Language and Literature, 198288). Caius College, Fellow, 1944-55, Fellow, Deputy Bursar, and Sr. Bursar, 1964-68; Lecturer in Tibetan, Cambridge University, 1948-68; Fellow, Jesus College, 1955-64; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Professor of Latin, 1968-74, Adjunct Professor, 1989; Visiting Andrew V.V. Raymond Professor of Classics, State University of New York, Buffalo, 1973-74; Visiting Fellow, Peterhouse, Cambridge, 1980-81. Ed., Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 1980-85. Publications: Propertiana, 1951; Cicero, 1971; Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature, 1976; Towards a Text of Anthologia Latina, 1979; Profile of Horace, 1982; Lucanus, 1988; Onomasticon to Cicero's Speeches, 1988; Martialis, 1990; Martial, 3 vols., 1993; Homoeoteleuton in Latin Dactylic Verse, 1994; Onomasticon to Cicero's Letters, 1995; Onomasticon to Cicero's Treatises, 1996; Selected Classical Papers, 1997; Valerius Maximus, 2 vols., 2000. EDITOR: Ciceronis Epistulae ad Atticum IX-XVI, 1961; Cicero, Letters to His Friends, 1977; Cicero: Epistulae ad Q. Fratrem et M. Brutum, 1981; Anthologia Latina I, 1982; Horatius, 1985; Ciceronis Epistulae, 4 vols., 1987-88; Quintilianus, Declamationes Minores, 1989. TRANSLATOR: Cicero's Letters to Atticus, 1978; Cicero's Letters to His Friends, 2 vols., 1978; Back from Exile, 1991; Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 4 vols., 1999. EDITOR & TRANSLATOR: The Satapancasatka of Matrceta, 1951; Cicero's Letters to Atticus, 7 vols., 1965-70; Cicero, Philippics, 1985; Cicero, Letters to Friends, 3 vols., 2001. Address: 303 N Division, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, U.S.A.

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