Atkins, Stephen E.

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ATKINS, Stephen E.

ATKINS, Stephen E. American, b. 1941. Genres: International relations/Current affairs, Librarianship, Military/Defense/Arms control, Politics/Government. Career: University of Iowa, Iowa City, copy cataloger, 1973-83; University of Illinois, Urbana, political science subject specialist, 1983-89; Texas A&M University, College Station, head of collection development at Sterling C. Evans Library, 1989-97, AUL for Collection Management, 1997-2003, associate dean for collection management, 2003-. Also served on the board of directors of ACCESS: A Security Information Service, 1989-94. Publications: Arms Control and Disarmament, Defense and Military, International Security and Peace: An Annotated Guide to Sources, 1980-1987, 1989; The Academic Library in the American University, 1991; Terrorism: A Reference Handbook, 1992; Historical Encyclopedia of Atomic Energy, 2000; Encyclopedia of American Extremism, 2002. Address: 301B Library Annex, 5000 TAMUS, Texas A&M University Libraries, College Station, TX 77843-5000, U.S.A. Online address:

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Atkins, Stephen E.

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Atkins, Stephen E.