Allen, E. John B.
ALLEN, E. John B.
ALLEN, E. John B. American (born England), b. 1933. Genres: History, Sports/Fitness. Career: Plymouth State College, NH, assistant professor to professor of history, 1968-, now emeritus. Publications: Post and Courier Service in the Diplomacy of Early Modern Europe, 1972; Reflections of Berlin, 1984; Teaching and Technique: A History of Professional Ski Instruction, 1987, 2nd ed., 1987; From Skisport to Skiing: One Hundred Years of an American Sport, 1840-1940, 1993; New England Skiing 1870-1940, 1997; New Hampshire on Skis, 2002; (ed.) International Ski History Congress: Selected Papers, 2002; Le Ski en France 1840-1940, 2003. Work represented in books. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. Address: PO Box 23, Rumney, NH 03266, U.S.A. Online address: