Ahmed, Akbar S(alahudin)
AHMED, Akbar S(alahudin)
AHMED, Akbar S(alahudin). Pakistani (born India), b. 1943. Genres: International relations/Current affairs, Sociology, Theology/Religion. Career: Civil Service of Pakistan, assistant commissioner in Frontier Province and Punjab, 1966-71, deputy secretary, 1971-76, political agent, 1976-80, additional secretary, 1977. National Centre for Rural Development, Islamabad, Pakistan, director-general. Centre of Social Sciences, director; visiting professor at colleges and universities; consultant, 1980. Publications: Mansehra: A Journey, 1973; A Strategy for Cooperation: A Study of the North-West Frontier Province, 1973; (trans.) Mataloona: Pukhto Proverbs, 1973, rev. ed., 1975; Millennium and Charisma among Pathans, 1976; Social and Economic Change in the Tribal Areas, 1972-1976, 1977; Pieces of Green: The Sociology of Change in Pakistan, 1964-1974, 1977; A Bibliography of the North-West Frontier Province, 1979; More Lines: Selected Poems, 1980; Pukhtun Economy and Society, 1980; Religion and Politics in Muslim Society: Order and Conflict in Pakistan, 1983, as Resistance and Control in Pakistan, 1991; Pakistan Society: Islam, Ethnicity, and Leadership in South Asia, 1986; Toward Islamic Anthropology, 1986; Discovering Islam, 1988; Postmodernism and Islam, 1992; Jinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity, 1997; Islam Today, 1999; Islam under Siege, 2003. EDITOR: (with D.M. Hart) Islam in Tribal Societies: From the Atlas to the Indus, 1984; Pakistan: The Social Sciences' Perspective, 1990. Contributor to journals. Address: School of International Service, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016-8071, U.S.A. Online address: akbar@american.edu