Adamec, Ludwig W.

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ADAMEC, Ludwig W.

ADAMEC, Ludwig W. American (born Austria), b. 1924. Genres: Geography, History, International relations/Current affairs. Career: Professor, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1967- (Director, Near Eastern Center, 1975-85). U.S. Ed., Afghanistan Journal, 1973-75; Chief, Afghanistan Branch, Voice of America, Washington, DC, 1986-87. Publications: Afghanistan 1900-1923: A Diplomatic History, 1967; Tarikh-e Ravabet-e Siya-si-ye Afghanistan az Zaman-e Amir Abdur Rahman ta Isteqlal, 1970; Who Is Who of Afghanistan, 1974; Afghanistan's Foreign Affairs in the 20th Century: Relations with the U.S.S.R., Germany, and Britain, 1974; Historical Gazetteer of Iran (4 vols.), 1976-88; Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Afghanistan, 1987; Historical Dictionary of Afghanistan, 1991; Dictionary of Afghan Wars, Revolutions, and Insurgencies, 1996; Historical Dictionary of Afghanistan, 1997; Historical Dictionary of Islam, 2001; The A to Z of Islam, 2002. EDITOR: Afghanistan: Some New Approaches, 1969; Political and Historical Gazetteer of Afghanistan (6 vols.), 1972-74. Address: 3931 E Whittier, Tucson, AZ 85711, U.S.A. Online address:

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