Jeanes, Anna Thomas (1822–1907)

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Jeanes, Anna Thomas (1822–1907)

American Quaker philanthropist. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 7, 1822; died at Stapeley Hall, a Friends home in Germantown, Pennsylvania, on September 24, 1907; youngest of ten children of Isaiah Jeanes (a shipping merchant and Quaker) and Anna (Thomas) Jeanes (died 1826); never married; no children.

Anna Thomas Jeanes led a quiet life, with a predilection for the philosophy of Buddhism. When the last of her brothers and sisters died in 1894, she inherited over $2 million and spent the remaining years of her life dispersing the funds. Her benefactions included $200,000 to the Spring Garden Institute, a technical school, $100,000 to the Hicksite Friends, and $200,000 to the Pennsylvania Home for Aged Friends, a Quaker institution where she spent the closing years of her own life. In 1907, she left the sum of $1 million to be used exclusively for the benefit of African-American elementary schools in the South and to develop improved means of education for blacks. "Jeanes teachers" traveled from school to school to advise local teachers.


Letters in the Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.

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Jeanes, Anna Thomas (1822–1907)

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