Elflaed (d. 920)

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Elflaed (d. 920)

Queen of the English. Name variations: Aelflaed; Aelflaeda; Aelfflaed; Ælfflaed; Elflaeda. Died in 920; interred at Winchester Cathedral, London; daughter of Ethelhelm, archbishop of Canterbury, and Elswitha ; married Edward I the Elder (c. 870–924), king of the English (r. 899–924); children: Elfweard, king of the English (d. 924); Edflaed (c. 900–?, became a nun); Edgifu (902–951); Edwin (drowned in 933); Elflaed (c. 905–c. 963); Ethelflaeda (became a nun at Romsey); Ethelhild (son); Edhild (d. 946); Edgitha (c. 912–946); Elfgifu (c. 914–?).

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