Stephen, Julia Prinsep (1846–1895)

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Stephen, Julia Prinsep (1846–1895)

British children's writer and essayist. Name variations: Julia Duckworth; Julia Jackson Duckworth Stephen; Mrs. Leslie Stephen. Born Julia Prinsep Jackson, Feb 7, 1846, in Calcutta, India; died May 5, 1895, in London, England; dau. of John Jackson and Maria Pattle Jackson; niece of Julia Margaret Cameron; m. Herbert Duckworth, 1867 (died); m. Leslie Stephen, 1878; children: (1st m.) George, Gerald and Stella Duckworth; (2nd m.) Vanessa Bell (b. 1879), Thoby Stephen (b. 1880), Adeline Virginia Stephen (b. 1882), also known as Virginia Woolf (the writer), and Adrian Stephen (b. 1883); stepdaughter Harriet Thackeray.

Published various essays, as well as an entry on Julia Margaret Cameron for The Dictionary of National Biography (1882) and a nursing tract, Notes From Sick Rooms (1883); her letters are included in Leslie Stephen's Life in Letters (1993); wrote several children's stories not published in lifetime.

See also D. F. Gillespie and E. Steele (eds.), Julia Duckworth Stephen (Syracuse U., 1987).

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