NÖstlinger, Christine (193–)

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NÖstlinger, Christine (1936–)

Austrian novelist and children's writer. Name variations: Christine Noestlinger or Nostlinger. Born Oct 13, 1936, in Vienna, Austria; children: 2.

Author of more than 100 books for children and young adults, wrote and illustrated her 1st book, Die feuerrote Friederike (1970, trans. as Fiery Frederica, 1978); also wrote the autobiographical Maikafer flieg! (1973, trans. as Fly Away Home, 1975) and its sequel, Zwei Wochen im Mai (trans as Two Weeks in May, 1981); other works include Der Spatz in der Hand und die Taube auf dem Dach (A Bird in the Bush, 1974), Konrad (1976), Die unteren sieben Achtel des Eisbergs (1978), De wraak van de kelderclub (1980), Twee weken in mei (1984), Echt Sanne (1990), Jasper speurneus (1993), and Mini is de beste (1999). Received Deutsche Jugendbuchpreis (1973), Hans Christian Andersen Medal (1984), and Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (2003).

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