Neumann, Theresa (1898–1962)

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Neumann, Theresa (1898–1962)

German religious figure. Name variations: often spelled erroneously Theresa Neuman. Born April 8, 1898, on Good Friday, in Konnersreuth, Bavaria; died Sept 18, 1962 in Konnersreuth; dau. of Anna (Grillmeier) Neumann and Ferdinand Neumann (tailor).

Suffered paralysis, blindness, and convulsions after injury as child; began to recover after praying devoutly to St. Tháràse of Lisieux and developed a stigmata following the vision of Christ's passion (1926); during the periods of the stigmata's recurrences over 32 years, apparently ate no solid food but subsisted on water and daily communion wafer, eventually dying of malnutrition. Konnersreuth became site of religious pilgrimages.

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