Musa, Gilda (1926–1999)

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Musa, Gilda (1926–1999)

Italian novelist, essayist and poet. Born 1926 in Rome, Italy; died Feb 26, 1999; studied German in Heidelberg and English at Cambridge.

Translated German poetry into Italian; worked as literary reviewer for Paese Sera; well-known for poetry and science-fiction novels, works include Il porto inquieto (An Unquiet Haven, 1953), Amici e nemici (Friends and Enemies, 1961), (poetry) Berliner Mauer (Berlin Wall, 1967), La notte artificiale (False Night, 1965), Strategie (1968), (poetry) Lettere senza francobollo (Letters with No Stamp, 1972), Giungla domestica (The Domestic Jungle, 1972), Marinella Super (1978), and Esperimento donna (Woman Experiment, 1979).

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