Mitchell, Juliet (1934–)

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Mitchell, Juliet (1934–)

British feminist. Born 1934 in New Zealand; attended King Alfred School in London; received degree in English from St. Anne's College, Oxford; postgraduate study at Oxford.

Moved with family to England (1944); became a lecturer at University of Leeds (1962); transferred to University of Reading (1965); published 1st book, Women: The Longest Revolution (1966); retired from academia to concentrate on writing and lecturing (1971); released 2nd book, Women's Estate (1972), followed by Psychoanalysis and Feminism (1974); renowned as an advocate of socialism and feminism, served on editorial boards of such periodicals as New Left Review, Social Praxis and Signs; collaborated with feminist Ann Oakley to edit The Rights and Wrongs of Women, a collection of essays (1976).

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