McNulty, Faith (1918–2005)

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McNulty, Faith (1918–2005)

American novelist and nonfiction writer. Born Faith Trumbull Corrigan, Nov 28, 1918, in New York, NY; died April 10, 2005, in Wakefield, RI; dau. of Joseph Eugene Corrigan (judge); attended Barnard College, 1937–38; m. Charles M. Fair (writer), 1938 (div.); m. John McNulty (New Yorker writer), 1945 (died 1956); m. Richard H. Martin (theatrical prop designer), 1957 (died 1984); children: John McNulty.

A New Yorker staff writer (1943–91), generally wrote about rural animals and country life, for adults and children, until she wrote about Francine Hughes in The Burning Bed: The True Story of an Abused Wife (1980), which was filmed with Farrah Fawcett; also wrote The Whooping Crane: The Bird That Defies Extinction (1966), How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World (1979) and When I Lived with Bats (1998).

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