Goossens, Sidonie (1899–2004)

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Goossens, Sidonie (1899–2004)

English harpist. Born Oct 19, 1899, in Liscard, on Merseyside, England; grew up in Liverpool; died Dec 14, 2004, age 105; dau. of Eugene Goossens (conductor); sister of Eugene (conductor and composer), Leon (oboe player), Adolphe (horn player) and Marie Goossens (harpist); studied with Miriam Timothy; m. Hyam "Bumps" Greenbaum (musical director, died 1942); m. Norman Millar (major in the Black Watch), 1945 (died 1991); no children.

One of the foremost harpists of her time, was also the principal harp for the BBC Symphony Orchestra; in early years, appeared with the Goossens Orchestra, formed by her conductor brother Eugene; began broadcasting (1924); was a founder member of the BBC Orchestra (1930–80), playing under the baton of Toscanini, Beecham and Walter, among others; participated in the premiere of Vaughan Williams' Serenade to Music; taught at the Guildhall School for 30 years; made president for life of the United Kingdom Harp Association (1988). Appointed MBE (1974), OBE (1980); awarded the Cobbett Medal (1990).

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