Farina, Mimi (1945–2001)

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Farina, Mimi (1945–2001)

American folksinger and guitarist. Name variations: Mimi Baez; Mimi Baez Farina or Fariña. Born Margarita Mimi Baez, April 30, 1945, in New York, NY; died of lung cancer, July 18, 2001, in Mt. Tamalpais, California; younger sister of Joan Baez (singer); m. Richard Farina (novelist and musician), 1963 (killed 1966); m. Milan Melvin (radio entrepreneur), 1968 (div. 1970).

Moved to California (1963); began working with husband as singing duo (1963); fused rock and folk influences on duo's albums Celebrations of a Grey Day (1965) and Reflections in a Crystal Wind (1966); retreated from public life after death of 1st husband in motorcycle accident (1966); began perform ing occasionally with sister (late 1960s); worked as actress with The Committee (early 1970s); helped found Bread and Roses, a charitable organization providing entertainment for prisoners, hospital patients, and institutionalized people (early 1970s); appeared as herself in film Fools (1970) and concert documentary Sing, Sing Thanksgiving (1974).

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