Duncan, Irma (1897–1978)

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Duncan, Irma (1897–1978)

German interpretive dancer and choreographer. Born Dorette Henrietta Ehrich-Grimme, Feb 26, 1897, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; died Sept 20, 1978, in Santa Barbara, California.

Trained at Elizabeth and Isadora Duncan's school in Grunewald, Germany, starting age 8, and soon made official debut as Duncan dancer (1905); became a member of Isadora Duncan Dancers, or Isadorables (1918); traveled to US to perform as 1 of 6 Isadorables on Sol Hurok tour; served as director of Duncan school in Soviet Union (1921–30), which toured the West several times (1928–30); moved to US (1930), where she appeared frequently as concert dancer and taught Duncan dance technique to Julia Levien and Anaballe Gamson, among others; choreographed and helped stage numerous works; was considered the best known and most influential of Duncan protégés.

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Duncan, Irma (1897–1978)

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