Burnham, Viola (1930–2003)

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Burnham, Viola (1930–2003)

Guyana politician and first lady. Born Viola Victorine Harper, Nov 26, 1930, in New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana; died Oct 10, 2003, in Miama, Florida; youngest of 8 children of James Nathaniel Harper (schoolmaster) and Mary (Chin) Harper; Leicester University College (England), BA in Latin; University of Chicago, MA in Education; m. Forbes Burnham (president of Guyana) 1967 (died Aug 6, 1985).

Former schoolteacher, was vice president and deputy prime minister of Guyana (1985–91); a feminist, led the Guyana delegation to UN women's conferences (1975, 1980, 1985); was a founder member and 1st vice president of the Caribbean Women's Association (CARIWA); was a leader of the Women's Revolutionary Socialist Movement (WRSM). Received Order of Roraima, Guyana's 2nd highest honor (1984).

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