grill1 / gril/ • n. a metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire; a gridiron. ∎ a portable device for cooking outdoors, consisting of such a framework placed over charcoal or gas fuel. ∎ a large griddle. ∎ a dish of food, esp. meat, cooked using a grill. ∎ (also grill room) a restaurant serving grilled food.• v. 1. [tr.] cook (something) using a grill: grill the trout for about five minutes.2. [tr.] inf. subject (someone) to intense questioning or interrogation: my father grilled us about what we had been doing | [as n.] (grilling) they faced a grilling over the latest results. DERIVATIVES: grill·er n.grill2 • n. variant spelling of grille.
grill gridiron. XVII. — (O)F. gril, earlier graïl, greïl, m. form based on fem. grille (see next).
So grill vb. broil on a gridiron. XVII. F. griller. Hence a new sb. grill broiled meat, etc. XVIII.
grill To cook by radiant heat; some of the fat is lost. Barbecues cook by grilling.