Oates, Joyce Carol: Further Reading

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Lercangée, Francine. Joyce Carol Oates: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1986, 272 p.

Complete, well-annotated bibliography of works by and about Oates, through 1986.


Johnson, Greg. Invisible Writer: A Biography of Joyce Carol Oates. New York: Dutton, 1998, 492 p.

Biography of Oates which describes how Oates's upbringing, her career stopovers in Detroit and Princeton are mythologized in her fiction. An admirer of Oates, Johnson also portrays the occasionally unflattering dimension of his subject.


Bender, Eileen Teper. Joyce Carol Oates, Artist in Residence. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1987, 207 p.

Examines the works of Oates.

Bloom, Harold. Joyce Carol Oates. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987, 164 p.

Offers a critical interpretation of Oates

Chell, Cara. "Un-Tricking the Eye: Joyce Carol Oates and the Feminist Ghost Story." Arizona Quarterly 41, no. 1 (spring 1985): 5-23.

Provides a feminist interpretation of Bellefleur, A Blood-smoor Romance, and Mysteries of Winterthurn.

Creighton, Joanne V. "Unliberated Women in Joyce Carol Oates's Fiction." World Literature Written in English 17, no. 1 (April 1978): 165-75.

Surveys the range of female characters who fail in their quest for personal liberation in Oates's novels and short fiction.

Daly, Brenda. "'How Do We [Not] Become These People Who Victimize Us?': Anxious Authorship in the Early Fiction of Joyce Carol Oates." In Anxious Power: Reading, Writing, and Ambivalence in Narrative by Women, edited by Carol J. Singley and Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, pp. 235-52. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993.

Contends that Oates's early fiction exhibits a "pattern of authorial self-division that conforms to gender conventions."

——. "Sexual Politics in Two Collections of Joyce Carol Oates's Short Fiction." Studies in Short Fiction 32, no. 1 (winter 1995): 83-93.

Maintains that the short story collections The Wheel of Love and Last Days illustrate that Oates's feminist writings have the potential to transform gender roles.

——. Lavish Self-Divisions: The Novels of Joyce Carol Oates. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1996, 278 p.

Thematic analysis of Oates's novels through the 1980s.

Goodman, Charlotte. "Women and Madness in the Fiction of Joyce Carol Oates." Women & Literature 5, no. 2 (fall 1977): 17-28.

Surveys the psychologically disturbed female characters in Oates's fiction.

Petite, Joseph. "A Predator in Liberationist Clothing." Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 7, nos. 3-4 (August 1986): 245-48.

Petite investigates the repressed nature of the female characters in Do with Me What You Will.

Wesley, Marilyn C. "Father-Daughter Incest as Social Transgression: A Feminist Reading of Joyce Carol Oates." Women's Studies 21, no. 3 (1992): 251-64.

Considers the recurring theme of father-daughter incest in Oates's fiction.

——. "Reverence, Rape, Resistance: Joyce Carol Oates and Feminist Film Theory." Mosaic 32, no. 3 (September 1999): 75-85.

Applies feminist film theory to Oates's short story "The Girl."


Additional coverage of Oates's life and career is contained in the following sources published by the Gale Group: American Writers Supplement, Vol. 2; Authors and Artists for Young Adults, Vols. 15, 52; Authors in the News, Vol. 1; Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: Biography & Resources, Vol. 2; Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults, Vol. 11; Bestsellers, Vol. 89:2; Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography, 1968-1988; Contemporary Authors, Vols. 5-8R; Contemporary Authors New Revision Series, Vols. 25, 45, 74, 113; Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 19, 33, 52, 108, 134; Contemporary Novelists, Ed. 7; Contemporary Poets, Ed. 7; Contemporary Popular Writers; Contemporary Women Poets; Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vols. 2, 5, 130; Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook, 1981; DISCovering Authors; DISCovering Authors: British Edition; DISCovering Authors: Canadian Edition; DISCovering Authors Modules: Most-studied Authors, Novelists, and Popular Writers; DISCovering Authors 3.0; Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century, Ed. 3; Exploring Short Stories; Feminist Writers; Literature and Its Times, Vol. 4; Literature Resource Center; Major 20th-Century Writers, Eds. 1, 2; Modern American Women Writers; Novels for Students, Vol. 8; Reference Guide to American Literature, Ed. 4; Reference Guide to Short Fiction, Ed. 2; St. James Guide to Horror, Ghost & Gothic Writers; Short Stories for Students, Vol. 17; Short Story Criticism, Vol. 6; Supernatural Fiction Writers, Vol. 2; Twayne's United States Authors; and World Literature Criticism.

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