The Feminist Movement in the 20th Century: Representative Works

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Bella Abzug

Bella! Ms. Abzug Goes to Washington (nonfiction) 1972

Paula Gunn Allen

The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Tradition (essays) 1986

Cherríe Moraga and Gloria Anzaldúa

This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color [editors] (anthology) 1981

Ti-Grace Atkinson

Amazon Odyssey (nonfiction) 1974

Boston Women's Health Book Collective

Our Bodies, Ourselves (nonfiction) 1973

Susan Brownmiller

Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape (nonfiction) 1975

In Our Time: A Memoir of a Revolution (autobiography) 1999

Shirley Chisholm

Unbought and Unbossed (autobiography) 1970

Andrea Dworkin

Pornography: Men Possessing Women (nonfiction) 1981

Susan Faludi

Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women (nonfiction) 1991

Betty Friedan

The Feminine Mystique (nonfiction) 1963

It Changed My Life: Writings on the Women's Movement (nonfiction) 1976

The Second Stage (nonfiction) 1981

Carol Gilligan

In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development (nonfiction) 1982

Germaine Greer

The Female Eunuch (nonfiction) 1970

Lucy Lippard

The Pink Glass Swan: Selected Essays on Feminist Art (criticism) 1995

Catharine A. MacKinnon

Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law (nonfiction) 1987

Kate Millett

Sexual Politics (nonfiction) 1970

Robin Morgan

off our backs [founder, with others] (periodical) 1970-

Sisterhood Is Powerful [editor] (anthology) 1970

Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Gloria Steinem, and Robin Morgan

Ms. [founders, with others] (periodical) 1972-

Camille Paglia

Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (criticism) 1990

Gloria Steinem

Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions (essays) 1983

Susan Ware

Modern American Women: A Documentary History [editor] (anthology) 1969; revised edition, 2002

Naomi Wolf

The Beauty Myth (nonfiction) 1990

Fire with Fire (nonfiction) 1993

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The Feminist Movement in the 20th Century: Representative Works

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