Boston: Communications

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Boston: Communications

Newspapers and Magazines

Boston's two major daily newspapers, The Boston Globe and the Boston Herald, are both published in the morning.

The Boston Globe, established in 1872, is New England's largest daily and Sunday newspaper. The respected The Christian Science Monitor is published in Boston on week-days. An international edition is also available. Local business news is featured in the Boston Business Journal.

Boston Magazine, Boston's city magazine, is published monthly. Tourist-oriented publications include Panorama and The Boston Phoenix, an alternative weekly publication providing detailed arts and entertainment information, and WHERE magazine, published monthly. Magazines of national interest published in Boston include the Harvard Business Review, Inc. Magazine, Horticulture, Animals, Health Journal, and The Writer. For many years, Boston has published The Atlantic Monthly, one of the nation's oldest literary magazines. As might be expected with Boston's many educational and high-tech institutions, the city also publishes an array of academic and technical journals, both commercially and for professional societies.

Television and Radio

The Boston area is the sixth largest media market in the country, served by five major networks, a public broadcasting station, and a Spanish language station. Special programming includes the Christian Science Monitor Syndicate and a channel for the hearing impaired. Cable television is also available. More than 20 AM and FM radio stations in the Boston area program a variety of music, talk shows, interview programs, and religious offerings. As a special service to travelers, Tunnel Radio broadcasts travel and road conditions inside Boston's heavily traveled South Station Tunnel.

Media Information: The Boston Globe, 135 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02107; telephone (617)929-2000

Boston Online

Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau. Available

The Boston Globe. Available

Boston Public Library. Available

Boston Public Schools. Available

City of Boston. Available

City of Boston Redevelopment Authority. Available

Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. Available

Massachusetts Business Development Corporation. Available

Massachusetts Convention Center Authority. Available

Massachusetts Medical Society. Available

Massachusetts Office of Business Development. Available

Selected Bibliography

Campbell, Robert, and Peter Vanderwarker, Cityscapes of Boston (Boston: A Peter Davison Book/Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992)

Kennedy, Lawrence W., Planning the City upon a Hill: Boston Since 1630 (Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 1992)

Uncommon Boston: A Guide to Hidden Spaces and Special Places (Boston: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)

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