The 1950s Business and the Economy: For More Information

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The 1950s Business and the Economy: For More Information


Day, Nancy. Advertising: Information or Manipulation? Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1999.

Feinstein, Stephen. The 1950s from the Korean War to Elvis. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2000.

Gay, Kathlyn. Who's Running the Nation? How Corporate Power Threatens Democracy. New York: Franklin Watts, 1998.

Kallen, Stuart A., ed. Nineteen Fifties. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2000.

Kroc, Ray, with Robert Anderson. Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's. Chicago: H. Regnery, 1977.

Love, John F. McDonald's: Behind the Arches. New York: Bantam Books, 1986.

O'Connell, Arthur J. American Business in the 20th Century. San Mateo, CA: Bluewood Books, 1999.

Packard, Vance. The Hidden Persuaders. New York: McKay, 1957.

Weiss, Ann E. Easy Credit. Brookfield, CT: Twenty-First Century Books, 2000.

Whyte Jr., William H. The Organization Man. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1956.


AFL-CIO Main Page. (accessed on August 9, 2002).

The First Fifty Years of Business Computing Timeline.,3959,51554,00.asp (accessed on August 9, 2002).

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