
views updated May 21 2018






Slums are squalid sections of a city or town, areas in which most inhabitants are in or near poverty, stores and residences are cheap and dilapidated, and streets are narrow and blighted. Slums have been created in various locations; where they arise depends upon political and economic conditions in a community. In early industrial cities of England and the United States, slums housed the lowest paid workers not far from the center of the city, close to factories gates. To this day, slums in English and U.S. cities are typically located in these areas, though often the factories have closed down. In other cities, where central areas retained high land and rent value, large public housing projects were built on the outskirts and slums developed and still exist on peripheral areas (e.g., Paris). Perhaps the worlds largest slum (Dharavi) is on the northern edge of the city of Mumbai (formerly Bombay). In Mexico City and other cities of Latin America, Africa, and Asia, slums exist both near the heart of the city and on the outskirts. The latter are impoverished shanty settlements created and inhabited by squatters, many of whom are relatively recent migrants.


Slums are usually the most stigmatized parts of a city or town (other areas carrying high social stigma, such as skid rows, red-light districts, and docks, often are located near slum neighborhoods). In the mind of the general public, the disrepute and stigma of the slum area washes onto the people who frequent or inhabit it. When most people think of a slum they think of residents who deviate from the morals, norms, and standards of public decency held up by the wider conventional community (i.e., people involved in serious crime, drug and alcohol abuse, juvenile delinquency, gang violence). People also frequently invoke the concept of social disorganization to describe the slum; in other words, they see it as an area lacking the sociocultural institutions, order, coherence, and predictability found in more economically stable environments.

Sociologists and anthropologists, however, paint a more nuanced picture of slum life. Research shows that a broad range of individuals and households live in slums, from the routine-seekers and decent residents, who abide by the norms and values of the larger society, to the action-seekers and street folk, who are more likely to flout or reject those standards (Gans 1962; Anderson 1999). Additionally, research on slums often highlights the ways in which ongoing life is organized rather than disorganized. Communication channels, interpersonal obligations, status symbols, local institutions, and public etiquette usually do exist in a slum, although these may be quite different from those of middle-class neighborhoods in a city or suburb. As the literature on local community organizing in slum areas shows, outsiders often are surprised at how much potential or actual organization exists (e.g., in the form of leadership and engagement in local social networks) even in allegedly disorganized poor neighborhoods. Having said this, one must not romanticize slums as bastions of salt-of-the-earth authenticity; all too often life in them is short and brutal, with miserable living conditions and wasted human potential.

It is tempting to think that slums are an urban anomaly produced only when something goes terribly wrong in a city. However, the high prevalence of slums and the ease with which they grow suggests that their causes lie in conventional and institutionalized routines of business as usual. Urban space is stratified as the most powerful people or those with the greatest wealth occupy the most desirable parcels of land. In cities where land and housing are commodities, the most desirable land is expensive, and the worst locations (e.g., noisy, wet, polluted) are cheap. Early slums developed when people built crowded substandard housing on the cheapest land and rented it to poor households with earnings too low to allow them to live in better but more costly areas. Beyond that simple process, the creation of slums involves more subtle causes of concentrated poverty and property decline.

By definition, cities and towns that have in their neighborhoods a mixture of housing types and the full price range in housing, from cheapest to most expensive, are places that do not have highly concentrated poverty, since the poor can live dispersed in fairly close proximity to the nonpoor. Also by definition, places where only the affluent reside are places that have no concentrated poverty in them; although, by excluding the poor, such places may contribute to the concentration of poverty in other locales. For concentrated poverty to occur, the non-poor must have the desire and ability to distance themselves from the poor. This desire arises from several sources. One is the search for status (prestige and respectability); the poor are often perceived as uncouth, ignorant, or disreputable, and the nonpoor gain status by disassociating themselves from the poor. This is especially true if, as is often the case, the poor belong to a stigmatized racial or ethnic group. Ones address becomes a prestigious status symbol if one lives in an area reserved for the right kinds of people. Such class consciousness coupled with aversive racism creates a related motive for concentrated poverty: fear of declining property value and/or the desire for property value appreciation. When the poor and/or racial-ethnic minorities are seen as harmful threats to community health and stability (e.g., lowering the quality of schools, raising the crime rate, spreading disease, not keeping up their yards or homes), then attempts to exclude them are made, which if successful leaves them in areas of highly concentrated poverty. On the other hand, if efforts to exclude the poor are unsuccessful and some do enter a neighborhood, then under certain conditions, a self-fulfilling vicious circle of out-movement and avoidance of the area by the affluent coupled with declining property values occurs, as affluent people refuse to pay top dollar for housing in or close to areas in which the undesirables live and instead move to other more secure, better locations.


Historically, the institutionalized mechanisms the affluent have utilized to distance themselves from the poor, thereby relegating those with low incomes to impoverished areas, are restrictive covenants, zoning ordinances, building codes, and political control over the location of public housing projects. With these devices (which control the types and size of housing units that are built, the size of the lots homes are built on, and whether or not apartments are allowed to be built) those in control create sections of cities or whole towns that are simply too expensive for poor people to live in. Beyond these forms of class exclusion, African Americans have faced racial exclusion (e.g., denial of mortgage loans for homes in suburban areas). This combination of restrictions forced most middle- and working-class black households to live near or in predominantly poor black areas, thereby minimizing their ability to accumulate wealth through appreciating values of their homes. Since 1980, as successful blacks became able to obtain better housing outside old black city neighborhoods, the out-movement of the middle-and working-classin combination with loss of jobs due to deindustrialization, plus minimal investment in poor urban areas by government and the private sectorleft many areas devastated with extraordinarily high rates of poverty. In rare instances, such as in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, some state courts have ruled that suburban towns reliance on exclusionary land use control to keep the poor out of their towns and penned up in high poverty sections of cities, like Camden or Newark, is illegal. In the 1990s, programs aimed at increasing home ownership among blacks and replacing public housing projects with mixed income developments have reduced the extent of concentrated urban poverty.


A slum is more than an area of concentrated poverty; it is an area of physical and social deterioration. Several mechanisms cause this deterioration. One is red-lining by financial and insurance institutions. Older areas with less affluent residents are perceived as not profitable enough for home or business loans and insurance coverage, which prevents the repair and improvement of dwellings and buildings. Inability to obtain insurance coverage makes it difficult or unwise for businesses or home owners to remain in red-lined neighborhoods. Absentee landlords and speculators also play a role if they are unwilling or unable to properly maintain properties and instead extract from their buildings maximum rent while investing the minimum in upkeep, until they become dilapidated or uninhabitable. Boarded up or semi-abandoned buildings get used by transients or for drug use and become the objects of arson (for insurance money or kicks), and a broken windows phenomena may emerge as residents or outsiders commit further damage and criminal acts because they see nothing to restrain destructive impulses (Wilson and Kelling 1982). Outsiders dump garbage in the neighborhood, crime increases, and most people who seek to better themselves leave the area if they are able.

SEE ALSO Ghetto; Segregation, Residential


Anderson, Elijah. 1999. Code of the Streets. New York: W. W. Norton.

Eckstein, Susan. 1990. Urbanization Revisited: Inner-City Slum of Hope and Squatter Settlement of Despair. World Development 18: 165-181.

Gans, Herbert J. 1962. The Urban Villagers. New York: The Free Press.

Medoff, Peter, and Holly Sklar. 1994. Streets of Hope: The Fall and Rise of an Urban Neighborhood. Boston: South End Press.

Philpott, Thomas Lee. 1978. The Slum and the Ghetto. New York: Oxford University Press.

Suttles, Gerald D. 1968. The Social Order of the Slum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Wilson, James Q., and George L. Kelling. 1982. The Police and Neighborhood Safety: Broken Windows. Atlantic Monthly 127 (March): 29-38.

Wilson, William J. 1996. When Work Disappears. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Charles Jaret


views updated May 11 2018


Slums are severely overcrowded urban areas characterized by the most extreme conditions of poverty, dilapidated housing, and crime.

Slums began appearing as immigration into the Northeastern cities increased following the War of 1812 (18121814). Within 35 years New York City grew from 100,000 to over half a million inhabitants as the result of immigration from England, Ireland, and Germany. To accommodate the massive influx of poor immigrants, large rooms of once fashionable dwellings were subdivided into smaller rooms with no light or ventilation and primitive sanitary facilities.

Housing structures, tenements, were hastily constructed on every available parcel of land in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. Over 290,000 individuals per square mile packed New York's East Side. In 1832 filthy conditions spawned the spread of cholera. By the 1880's poverty, illiteracy, drunkenness, and crime thrived in frightfully overcrowded districts of Northeastern cities and Mid-Western cities, such as Chicago.

New York passed the first housing codes in 1867, 1879, and 1901, which established light, ventilation, and housing regulations for new construction. They did nothing, however, to improve existing buildings, and often tenements built according to code still had major defects. For example, the New York City code required that "model" tenements be built with air shafts for ventilation. But the shafts proved only to be a source of fowl odors, thus perpetuating the miserable conditions. (Jacob Riis raised public awareness with his photographs of New York slums published in 1890).

Between 1880 and 1920 the mix of immigrants shifted to predominantly eastern and southern Europeans. Slums were housing minorities whose assimilation into the mainstream of American life was often more difficult than the earlier northern European immigrants. Later immigrants came from the American South, East Asia, and Latin America.

The term ghetto, which originally was used to designate the Jewish area of Venice, Italy, now described the segregation of minorities in crowded sections of the inner cities. Between 1910 and 1970 approximately 6.5 million blacks moved to the North. Although most were underemployed and lived in the ghetto, many found good jobs in steel, rubber, and automobile industries. With the civil rights changes of the 1960's middle class blacks moved to the suburbs, but the ghettos remained as a home to the poor and a blight on the urban landscape. To help eliminate slums, the U.S. government focused on building public housing in the inner cities, but this effort was inadequate to counteract the endemic problems associated with poverty. By the end of the twentieth century, a self-perpetuating condition of despair created an underclass of individuals born in the slums and likely to remain there all their lives.

See also: Ghetto, Tenements


views updated Jun 08 2018

slum / sləm/ • n. a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people. ∎  a house or building unfit for human habitation.• v. (slummed, slum·ming) [intr.] inf. spend time at a lower social level than one's own through curiosity or for charitable purposes: rich tourists slumming among the quaintly dangerous natives. ∎  (slum it) put up with conditions that are less comfortable or of a lower quality than one is used to: businessmen are having to slum it in aircraft economy class seats.DERIVATIVES: slum·mer n.slum·mi·ness n.slum·my adj.


views updated Jun 11 2018

A. †room;

B. (orig. back s.) dirty or squalid back street, etc.;

C. †gammon, blarney, gipsy jargon; all early XIX. of unkn. (cant) orig.
Hence vb. visit slums; slummy (-Y1). XIX.


views updated May 11 2018


SLUMS. SeeTenements .

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