tub / təb/ • n. 1. a wide, open, deep, typically round container with a flat bottom used for holding liquids, growing plants, etc.: hydrangeas in a patio tub. ∎ a similar small plastic or cardboard container in which food is bought or stored: a margarine tub. ∎ the contents of such a container or the amount it can contain: she ate a tub of yogurt. ∎ a washtub. ∎ inf. a bathtub. ∎ Mining a container for conveying ore, coal, etc.2. inf. an old, awkward, or run-down vessel.• v. (tubbed, tub·bing) [tr.] 1. [usu. as adj.] (tubbed) plant in a tub: tubbed fruit trees.2. dated wash or bathe (someone or something) in or as in a tub or bath.DERIVATIVES: tub·ba·ble adj. ( inf. ) (sense 2 of the verb )tub·ful / -ˌfoŏl/ n. (pl. -fuls) .
tub a tub is the emblem of St Nicholas of Myra.
every tub must stand on its own bottom proverbial saying, mid 16th century; meaning that it is necessary to support oneself by one's own efforts.
See also a tale of a tub.
every tub must stand on its own bottom proverbial saying, mid 16th century; meaning that it is necessary to support oneself by one's own efforts.
See also a tale of a tub.
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