Infinity Broadcasting Corporation

views updated Jun 08 2018

Infinity Broadcasting Corporation

600 Madison Ave
New York, New York 10022
(212) 750-6400
Fax: (212) 888-2959

Public Company
Employees: 675
Sales: $232.42 million
Stock Exchanges: NASDAQ
SICs: 4832 Radio Broadcasting Stations

Infinity Broadcasting Corporation, the largest company in the United States exclusively engaged in radio broadcasting, owns 26 radio stations serving 13 of the nations largest radio markets. The company expanded during the 1980s and early 1990s by acquiring existing stations and successfully cultivating high-profile radio personalities.

Infinity was created by partners Michael Wiener and Gerald Carrus, who formed the company in order to purchase KOME, an FM radio station broadcasting in San Jose that also served the San Francisco area. KOME had just received its license to broadcast from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1971 before Wiener and Carrus assumed ownership in 1973. At the time, FM radio was a burgeoning medium, still struggling to catch up with the long-popular AM band. As FM gained in popularity during the 1970s, Wiener and Carrus achieved notable success with KOME, eventually expanding it into one of the most successful rock-and-roll stations in its geographic niche.

During the 1970s, Infinity embarked on an acquisition program informed by the strategy that had made KOME profitable; it purchased developing or underperforming radio stations in major markets and then turned them around with improved programming and management. Infinity eventually sold many of these concerns as a way of trading up to larger stations. In 1979, Wiener and Carrus brought another FM station under the Infinity umbrella that, like KOME, would stay with the company through the mid-1990s. They purchased WBCN, an under-performing station in Boston that the two believed had the potential to become a local ratings leader. Wiener and Carrus planned to shape WBCN in the image of KOME, making it an album-oriented rock station geared towards males between the ages of 18 and 30.

In 1981, Wiener and Carrus brought in Mel Karmazin to serve as company president and to oversee day-to-day operations. The 38-year-old Karmazin, a young, aggressive radio executive, agreed to accept the position with New York-based Infinity for a $125,000 annual salary and an opportunity to own part of the company should he prove responsible for significant growth. His only condition was that he was given total control of its operations. You can t have three people run a company, Karmazin explained in the November 30, 1992 issue of Broadcasting.

Under Karmazins direction, Infinity experienced steady, rapid growth during the 1980s. During his first year, in fact, he managed buyouts of two New York stations, WXRK-FM and WZRC-AM. He also picked up WYSP-FM in Philadelphia. In 1983, moreover, Infinity absorbed KXYZ-AM in Houston and WJMK-FM and WJJD-AM in Chicago. Those purchases substantially boosted the companys revenues and made it a contender in the upper ranks of the national radio broadcasting industry. Adhering to the companys original strategy of seeking undervalued companies, Karmazin nevertheless changed Infinitys direction by accruing a large portfolio of stations, the value of which he intended to increase over the long term.

Although Karmazin had significantly increased Infinitys assets and revenues with the string of early 1980s acquisitions, the company was strapped for cash by mid-decade. In a bid to raise investment capital for continued growth, Karmazin took Infinity public in 1986. Within a year, he had purchased five more stations: KROQ-FM in Los Angeles, WJFK-FM in Washington, D.C., WQYK-FM and WQYK-AM in Tampa, and KVIL-FM and KVIL-AM in Dallas. Then, in 1988, Karmazin and three other company executives borrowed more money in order to repurchase Infinitys stock and take the enterprise private again, reasoning that the stock market had undervalued the company and that they could profit in the future by selling off the repurchased stock. Despite the companys surging debt, management borrowed funds to procure three more stations during the late 1980s: WOMC-FM in Detroit and both WLIF-FM and WFJK-AM in Baltimore.

Infinitys critics during the late 1980s cited the companys high debt load and weak profit performance as evidence of its lackluster potential. However, many analysts believed that the company was a better investment than it appeared. Indeed, by the end of the 1980s, Infinity had positioned itself as a market-niche leader in several major broadcasting regipns, a status achieved largely through a formula of developing unique and popular programs aimed at specific demographic groups, which boosted the stations potential ad revenues. Infinity had been successful in purchasing key sports broadcasting rights, for example, and had cultivated several popular radio personalities, such as New York station WXRKs Howard Stern. Moreover, all of Infinitys stations provided nonentertainment programming, such as news or public affairs broadcasts.

Under Karmazin, stations acquired by Infinity were subjected to a rigorous regimen of financial reporting requirements and cost controls designed to improve their profit margins. In addition, Karmazins team would adjust a new stations promotional strategy, usually by emphasizing local, rather than national, advertising sales. The overall programming and promotional initiatives usually resulted in high listener loyalty and healthy cash flow for most of Infinitys member stations.

Karmazin became known during the 1980s for his disciplined, hands-on management style. He met several times each week with his management team and continued to personally check up on local advertising accounts as he had since his days as a salesman. He also kept a heavy hand on all of Infinitys larger deals, such as the negotiation of rights to sports broadcasts. Karmazins penchant for efficiency started at the top; Infinitys entire corporate staff in the early 1990s consisted of six people; Karmazin, a chief financial officer, an administrative assistant, and a three-person accounting office.

Infinitys spartan corporate staff was made possible by the autonomy that Karmazin afforded his local radio affiliates, as long as their ratings continued to rise. An important element of Karmazins strategy was decentralized local management. Infinity relied on a system of performance-based financial incentives to motivate its workers and attract high-quality personnel, which were well-compensated by industry standards. General managers earned money for increasing cash flow, for example, and program directors were rewarded for higher ratings. Karmazin was particularly proud of Infinitys pay scale for advertising salespeople, which was a straight six percent commission with no limit on total earnings. Many salespeople earned more than $100,000 annually, with a few topping the $300,000 mark. If a salesperson is going to get rich on a six percent commission, Karmazin stated in a Broadcasting article, the company is going to get very rich on the other 94 percent.

Karmazins management talents were perhaps most apparent in the example of Jim Hardy, whom Karmazin hired to serve as general manager of KOME, the first division acquired by Infinity in 1973. Raised in a Colorado goldmining town, before the onset of television, Hardy became interested in radio at a young age. He got his start in the business in the 1960s, working for his college radio station, one of the first FM stations in Colorado. In 1970, he went on to work for the first all-rock station in the United States, Denvers KLZ-FM. Hardy then served a long stint as a salesman at KWFM in Arizona until the infamous 1982 assassination of that stations disk jockey, Bob Cook, by a fanatic listener. Hardy then became manager of the station and soon thereafter was spotted by Karmazin as a capable candidate for the general management slot at KOME. After accepting the job, Hardy moved KOME to a new facility and began to reposition its programming and promotional operations. Citing consistent support from Infinity and the freedom afforded him in making critical decisions as contributing factors to his success, Hardy successfully increased the stations ratings and advertising revenue. By the late 1980s, KOME was the top-rated medium-market radio station by readers of Rolling Stone Magazine and was finishing tops in the important 25 to 54-year-old demographic ratings. Gold mining is just like radio, Hardy noted in the April 2, 1990, issue of Business Journal-San Jose, in that you dig a lot of dirt and hope you strike gold.

Despite the success of KOME and several other member stations, Infinitys performance lagged following the stock buy back of 1988. In addition to the companys huge debt load, which topped $450 million in 1989, poor advertising revenues during the U.S. recession damaged Infinitys bottom line. While sales increased slowly to $123 million in 1989 and then to $135 million in 1991, the company posted successive net losses totaling more than $100 million during that period. Nevertheless, Infinity retained its strength in core markets and managed to sustain a healthy cash flow, an important measure of health for radio stations.

In an effort to slash its debt and continue acquiring new stations, Infinity elected to go public again in 1992, earning $100 million in the offering, much of which was used to buy WFAN-AM in New York. Early in 1993, Infinity again borrowed money to purchase three additional stationsWUSN-FM in Chicago, WZLX-FM in Boston, and WZGC-FM in Atlantafor a total of $100 million. Of all its acquisitions, the WFAN purchase garnered the most criticism from industry analysts, who regarded Infinitys payout of $70 million as excessive for an AM station, particularly a station that was not ranked in the top ten in its locale. Nevertheless, Karmazin viewed the addition as complementary to his strategy of focusing on radio sports; WFAN was an all-sports station.

In 1992, Infinity began to rebound, as sales increased about 29 percent and net losses were cut to about $9.4 million, largely the result of a general economic recovery. In mid-1993, the company initiated another stock offering in order to help pare its debt. Perhaps most importantly, many of Infinitys marketing strategies were beginning to pay off during this time. Having cultivated what was possibly the most impressive assemblage of high-profile talk and sport show talent in the business, Infinity was prepared when the popularity of talk and sports radio experienced a re-birth. Among its most notable local celebrities were: Don Imus (WFAN); Doug The Greaseman Tracht, whom Infinity had hired away from another station and planned to syndicate nationally; G. Gordon Liddy, attorney and talk show host on WJFK; and Mike Francesa (WFAN), who had become well-known on CBS-TV.

Foremost among Infinitys talk show staff was Howard Stern, an outspoken, controversial morning radio personality. After Stern had achieved a huge following on New Yorks station WXRG, Infinity began syndicating Sterns show to other stations for $300,000 per year during the early 1990s. Stern soon became one of Infinitys most coveted assets, generating an estimated $15 million annually in sales and capturing as much as $2,000 per 30 second advertising slot. Sterns key attribute was his appeal to white-collar men aged 18 to 34, the most difficult-to-reach and lucrative demographic group sought by advertisers. Of that group, in fact, Stern attained higher ratings in the massive New York market than the highest-rated prime-time television shows.

However, Infinitys success in the rapidly growing talk show market came at a price. Several of its stations most popular hosts had drawn the attention of regulatory agencies, who cited them for crude and deviant behavior on the air. As a result, some premier advertisers had been scared away from those stations. Although the FCC had loosened restrictions on material it viewed as repulsive, Stern and several other hosts continued to push the boundaries. In 1992, The Greaseman was under investigation for indecencies allegedly committed before his move to Infinity, and Infinitys KROQ-FM in Los Angeles came under fire for broadcasting a controversial murder hoax. Howard Stern generated the most controversy, drawing criticism not only from the FCC but also from a wide range of special interest groups. Karmazins emphatic defense of these talk show hosts earned him a reputation among some observers as a staunch advocate of what he viewed as First Amendment rights, while other analysts were not so favorably impressed.

As the economy improved and Infinitys programming and management strategies began to pay off, the companys financial performance improved. Of import to Infinitys bottom line was its move in 1992 to begin syndicating more of its talk shows nationally. Syndication allowed the company an entirely new means of profiting from its most popular programs. In addition, in 1992, the FCC amended its restrictions, increasing the total number of U.S. stations allowed per operator from 24 to 36 and boosting the number that an operator could own on each band (AM and FM) in one city from one to four. Late in 1993, Infinity added WIP-AM, an all-sports station in Philadelphia, bringing its total number of holdings to 22.

In 1993, with revenues up more than 35 percent to $234 million, Infinity posted its first positive net income$14 millionsince the mid-1980s. The company was also experiencing strong gains in the value of its stock and reported operating profit margins of 45 percent, a full ten percentage points higher than the industry average. Acquisitions that year cemented Infinitys position as the largest company solely engaged in radio broadcasting. From just a few rock-and-roll stations in the early 1980s, Infinity had grown into a diversified industry leader with stations providing sports, oldies, country music, talk show, and even Spanish-language programming. Karmazin picked up the companys 23rd station early in 1994, acquiring KRTH-FM, an oldies station in Los Angeles, for $110 million, the largest sum ever paid for a U.S. radio station. Taking advantage of the FCCs new, more permissive ownership regulations, the company expected to make several more acquisitions during the 1990s.

Principal Subsidiaries


Further Reading

Barry, David, Jim Hard: He Played a Part in How the West Was WonBy FM Radio, Business Journal-San Jose, April 2, 1990, p. 12.

Breznik, Alan, In IPO, Infinity Pitching WFAN to Street, Crains New York Business, January 6, 1992, p. 4.

Farhi, Paul, Bad Taste, Good Business: To His Employer, Howard Stern Easily Passes a Classic Cost-Benefit Test, Washington Post, March 27, 1994, p. H1.

Flint, Joe, Infinity No Stranger to FCC Complaints, Broadcasting, November 30, 1992, p. 37.

Kanter, Bruce, Westwood One and Infinity Broadcasting Enter Into Letter of Intent for Westwood One to Acquire Unistar Radio Networks, Business Wire, October 11, 1993.

Lippman, John, New Notch for Infinity: KRTH Acquisition Continues Radio Group Owners Trend, Los Angeles Times, June 18, 1993, p. D1.

Mirabella, Alan, Is Summit Kissing WRKS Goodbye?, Crains New York Business, December 6, 1993, p. 1.

The Infinite Possibilities of Radio, Broadcasting & Cable, September 6, 1993, pp. 32-33.

Viles, Peter, Infinity Unbowed, Broadcasting, November 30, 1992, pp. 4 +.

Dave Mote

Infinity Broadcasting Corporation

views updated Jun 08 2018

Infinity Broadcasting Corporation

40 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019
Telephone: (212) 314-9200
Fax: (212) 314-9228
Web site:

Majority-Owned Subsidiary of Viacom Inc.
Incorporated: 1972
Employees: 8,200
Gross Billings: $3.6 billion (2001)
NAIC: 513111 Radio Networks; 513112 Radio Stations

Infinity Broadcasting Corporation operates as one of the largest radio broadcasting companies in the United States with over 180 radio stations in 41 markets. The majority of the companys stations are found in the 50 largest U.S. radio markets. Through the Viacom Outdoor Group, Infinity also operates as the largest outdoor advertising company in North America, offering advertising space on billboards, mall posters, phone kiosks, buses, bus shelters, benches, trains, and train platforms, as well as in commuter rail terminals. The company expanded during the 1980s and early 1990s by acquiring existing stations and successfully cultivating high-profile radio personalities. Infinity came under CBS ownership in 1997 and became a subsidiary of Viacom Inc. as part of the $39.8 billion Viacom/CBS merger.


Infinity was created by partners Michael Wiener and Gerald Carrus, who formed the company in order to purchase KOME, an FM radio station broadcasting in San José that also served the San Francisco area. KOME had just received its license to broadcast from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1971 before Wiener and Carrus assumed ownership in 1973. At the time, FM radio was a burgeoning medium, although one that was still struggling to catch up with the long-popular AM band. As FM gained in popularity during the 1970s, Wiener and Carrus achieved notable success with KOME, eventually expanding it into one of the most successful rock-and-roll stations in its geographic niche.

During the 1970s, Infinity embarked on an acquisition program informed by the strategy that had made KOME profitable; it purchased developing or underperforming radio stations in major markets and then turned them around with improved programming and management. Infinity eventually sold many of these concerns as a way of trading up to larger stations. In 1979, Wiener and Carrus brought another FM station under the Infinity umbrella that, like KOME, would stay with the company through the mid-1990s. They purchased WBCN, an under-performing station in Boston that the two believed had the potential to become a local ratings leader. Wiener and Carrus planned to shape WBCN in the image of KOME, making it an album-oriented rock station geared towards males between the ages of 18 and 30.

Mel Karmazin Named Infinity President: 1981

In 1981, Wiener and Carrus brought in Mel Karmazin to serve as company president and to oversee day-to-day operations. The 38-year-old Karmazin, a young, aggressive radio executive, agreed to accept the position with New York-based Infinity for a $125,000 annual salary and an opportunity to own part of the company should he prove responsible for significant growth. His only condition was that he was given total control of its operations. You cant have three people run a company, Karmazin explained in the November 30, 1992 issue of Broadcasting.

Under Karmazins direction, Infinity experienced steady, rapid growth during the 1980s. During his first year, in fact, he managed buyouts of two New York stations, WXRK-FM and WZRC-AM. He also picked up WYSP-FM in Philadelphia. In 1983, moreover, Infinity absorbed KXYZ-AM in Houston and WJMK-FM and WJJD-AM in Chicago. Those purchases substantially boosted the companys revenues and made it a contender in the upper ranks of the national radio broadcasting industry. Adhering to the companys original strategy of seeking undervalued companies, Karmazin nevertheless changed Infinitys direction by accruing a large portfolio of stations, the value of which he intended to increase over the long term.

Although Karmazin had significantly increased Infinitys assets and revenues with the string of early 1980s acquisitions, the company was strapped for cash by mid-decade. In a bid to raise investment capital for continued growth, Karmazin took Infinity public in 1986. Within a year, he had purchased six more stations: KROQ-FM in Los Angeles, WJFK-FM in Washington, D.C., WQYK-FM and WQYK-AM in Tampa, and KVIL-FM and KVIL-AM in Dallas. Then, in 1988, Karmazin and three other company executives borrowed more money in order to repurchase Infinitys stock and take the enterprise private again, reasoning that the stock market had undervalued the company and that they could profit in the future by selling off the repurchased stock. Despite the companys surging debt, management borrowed funds to procure three more stations during the late 1980s: WOMC-FM in Detroit and both WLIF-FM and WFJK-AM in Baltimore.

Infinitys critics during the late 1980s cited the companys high debt load and weak profit performance as evidence of its lackluster potential. However, many analysts believed that the company was a better investment than it appeared. Indeed, by the end of the 1980s, Infinity had positioned itself as a market-niche leader in several major broadcasting regions, a status achieved largely through a formula of developing unique and popular programs aimed at specific demographic groups, which boosted the stations potential ad revenues. Infinity had been successful in purchasing key sports broadcasting rights, for example, and had cultivated several popular radio personalities, such as New York station WXRKs Howard Stern. Moreover, all of Infinitys stations provided nonentertainment programming, such as news or public affairs broadcasts.

Under Karmazin, stations acquired by Infinity were subjected to a rigorous regimen of financial reporting requirements and cost controls designed to improve their profit margins. In addition, Karmazins team would adjust a new stations promotional strategy, usually by emphasizing local, rather than national, advertising sales. The overall programming and promotional initiatives usually resulted in high listener loyalty and healthy cash flow for most of Infinitys member stations.

Karmazin became known during the 1980s for his disciplined, hands-on management style. He met several times each week with his management team and continued to personally check up on local advertising accounts as he had since his days as a salesman. He also kept a heavy hand on all of Infinitys larger deals, such as the negotiation of rights to sports broadcasts. Karmazins penchant for efficiency started at the top; Infinitys entire corporate staff in the early 1990s consisted of six people: Karmazin, a chief financial officer, an administrative assistant, and a three-person accounting office.

Infinitys spartan corporate staff was made possible by the autonomy that Karmazin afforded his local radio affiliates as long as their ratings continued to rise. An important element of Karmazins strategy was decentralized local management. Infinity relied on a system of performance-based financial incentives to motivate its workers and attract high-quality personnel, who were well-compensated by industry standards. General managers earned money for increasing cash flow, for example, and program directors were rewarded for higher ratings. Karmazin was particularly proud of Infinitys pay scale for advertising salespeople, which was a straight 6 percent commission with no limit on total earnings. Many salespeople earned more than $100,000 annually, with a few topping the $300,000 mark. If a salesperson is going to get rich on a six percent commission, Karmazin stated in a Broadcasting article, the company is going to get very rich on the other 94 percent.

Karmazins management talents were perhaps most apparent in the example of Jim Hardy, whom Karmazin hired to serve as general manager of KOME, the first division acquired by Infinity in 1973. Raised in a Colorado goldmining town before the onset of television, Hardy became interested in radio at a young age. He got his start in the business in the 1960s working for his college radio station, one of the first FM stations in Colorado. In 1970, he went on to work for the first all-rock station in the United States, Denvers KLZ-FM. Hardy then served a long stint as a salesman at KWFM in Arizona until the infamous 1982 assassination of that stations disk jockey, Bob Cook, by a fanatic listener. Hardy then became manager of the station and soon thereafter was spotted by Karmazin as a capable candidate for the general management slot at KOME. After accepting the job, Hardy moved KOME to a new facility and began to reposition its programming and promotional operations. Citing consistent support from Infinity and the freedom afforded him in making critical decisions as contributing factors to his success, Hardy successfully increased the stations ratings and advertising revenue. By the late 1980s, KOME was rated the best medium-market radio station by readers of Rolling Stone magazine and was finishing tops in the important 25 to 54-year-old demographic ratings. Gold mining is just like radio, Hardy noted in the April 2, 1990, issue of Business Journal-San Jose, in that you dig a lot of dirt and hope you strike gold.

Company Perspectives:

Infinity seeks to maintain substantial diversity among its radio stations in many respects. The geographically wide-ranging stations serve diverse target demographics through a broad range of programming formats, such as rock, oldies, news/talk, adult contemporary, sports/talk, and country. This diversity provides advertisers with convenience to select stations to reach a targeted demographic group or to select groups of stations to reach broad groups of consumers within and across markets.

Despite the success of KOME and several other member stations, Infinitys performance lagged following the stock buy-back of 1988. In addition to the companys huge debt load, which topped $450 million in 1989, poor advertising revenues during the U.S. recession damaged Infinitys bottom line. While sales increased slowly to $123 million in 1989 and then to $135 million in 1991, the company posted successive net losses totaling more than $100 million during that period. Nevertheless, Infinity retained its strength in core markets and managed to sustain a healthy cash flow, an important measure of health for radio stations.

Going Public Again: 1992

In an effort to slash its debt and continue acquiring new stations, Infinity elected to go public again in 1992, earning $100 million in the offering, much of which was used to buy WFAN-AM in New York. Early in 1993, Infinity borrowed money to purchase three additional stationsWUSN-FM in Chicago, WZLX-FM in Boston, and WZGC-FM in Atlantafor a total of $100 million. Of all its acquisitions, the WFAN purchase garnered the most criticism from industry analysts, who regarded Infinitys payout of $70 million as excessive for an AM station, particularly a station that was not ranked in the top ten in its locale. Nevertheless, Karmazin viewed the addition as complementary to his strategy of focusing on radio sports; WFAN was an all-sports station.

In 1992, Infinity began to rebound as sales increased about 29 percent and net losses were cut to about $9.4 million, largely the result of a general economic recovery. In mid-1993, the company initiated another stock offering in order to help pare its debt. Perhaps most importantly, many of Infinitys marketing strategies were beginning to pay off during this time. Having cultivated what was possibly the most impressive assemblage of high-profile talk and sport show talent in the business, Infinity was prepared when the popularity of talk and sports radio experienced a rebirth. Among its most notable local celebrities were: Don Imus (WFAN); Doug The Greaseman Tracht, whom Infinity had hired away from another station and planned to syndicate nationally; G. Gordon Liddy, attorney and talk show host on WJFK; and Mike Francesa (WFAN), who had become well-known on CBS-TV.

Foremost among Infinitys talk show staff was Howard Stern, an outspoken, controversial morning radio personality. After Stern had achieved a huge following on New Yorks station WXRG, Infinity began syndicating Sterns show to other stations for $300,000 per year during the early 1990s. Stern soon became one of Infinitys most coveted assets, generating an estimated $15 million annually in sales and capturing as much as $2,000 per 30 second advertising slot. Sterns key attribute was his appeal to white-collar men aged 18 to 34, the most difficult-to-reach and lucrative demographic group sought by advertisers. Of that group, in fact, Stern attained higher ratings in the massive New York market than the highest-rated prime-time television shows.

However, Infinitys success in the rapidly growing talk show market came at a price. Several of its stations most popular hosts had drawn the attention of regulatory agencies, who cited them for crude and deviant behavior on the air. As a result, some premier advertisers had been scared away from those stations. Although the FCC had loosened restrictions on material it viewed as repulsive, Stern and several other hosts continued to push the boundaries. In 1992, The Greaseman was under investigation for indecencies allegedly committed before his move to Infinity, and Infinitys KROQ-FM in Los Angeles came under fire for broadcasting a controversial murder hoax. Howard Stern generated the most controversy, drawing criticism not only from the FCC but also from a wide range of special interest groups. Karmazins emphatic defense of these talk show hosts earned him a reputation among some observers as a staunch advocate of First Amendment rights, although not all analysts were favorably impressed.

As the economy improved and Infinitys programming and management strategies began to pay off, the companys financial performance improved. Of importance to Infinitys bottom line was its move in 1992 to begin syndicating more of its talk shows nationally. Syndication allowed the company an entirely new means of profiting from its most popular programs. In addition, in 1992 the FCC amended its restrictions, increasing the total number of U.S. stations allowed per operator from 24 to 36 and boosting the number that an operator could own on each band (AM and FM) in one city from one to four. Late in 1993, Infinity added WIP-AM, an all-sports station in Philadelphia, bringing its total number of holdings to 22.

In 1993, with revenues up more than 35 percent to $234 million, Infinity posted its first positive net income$14 millionsince the mid-1980s. The company was also experiencing strong gains in the value of its stock and reported operating profit margins of 45 percent, a full ten percentage points higher than the industry average. Acquisitions that year cemented Infinitys position as the largest company solely engaged in radio broadcasting. From just a few rock-and-roll stations in the early 1980s, Infinity had grown into a diversified industry leader with stations providing sports, oldies, country music, talk show, and even Spanish-language programming. Karmazin picked up the companys 23rd station early in 1994, acquiring KRTH-FM, an oldies station in Los Angeles, for $110 million, the largest sum ever paid for a U.S. radio station at the time.

Key Dates:

Michael Wiener and Gerald Carrus form Infinity.
Infinity purchases the FM station WBCN.
Mel Karmazin is named company president.
Infinity goes public.
Believing the stock market has undervalued Infinity, Karmazin and three company executives take Infinity private.
The company earns $100 million in a second public offering.
Infinity merges with Westinghouse Electric Corp., the parent company of CBS Inc.
CBS announces the spin off of its radio and outdoor advertising businesses as Infinity Broadcasting.
Outdoor Systems Inc. is acquired for $8.3 billion.
CBS and Viacom Inc. merge; Infinity becomes a subsidiary of Viacom.
The Viacom Outdoor Group is created and operates as the largest outdoor advertiser in the United States.

Changes in Ownership: Late 1990s

Taking advantage of the FCCs new, more permissive ownership regulations, the company continued to grow during the mid- to late 1990s. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 afforded Infinity additional expansion opportunities, and by the end of that year the firm had nearly doubled its station count. It was at this time, however, that Karmazin set his sights on the radio stations and television network of CBS. Michael Jordan, CEO of CBSs parent company, Westinghouse Electric Corp., refused to sell the firm to Karmazin but instead agreed to buy Infinity. Karmazin jumped at the chance to become part of the largest radio group in the United States, and the $4.9 billion deal was completed on December 31, 1996. As a result of the Westinghouse purchase, Infinity was merged into the CBS Radio Group, which named Karmazin as president.

Karmazin soon became chairman and CEO of the CBS Radio Group and also took control of the firms television network. During 1997, Westinghouse sold off its industrial arm and took on the name CBS Corp. In 1998, CBS decided to spin off a portion of its radio and outdoor advertising holdings as Infinity Broadcasting Corp., once again bringing the Infinity name back to the public. The stock offering was the largest in the media industry at the time and raised $2.87 billion.

Karmazin, now CEO of both Infinity and CBS Corp., set his sights even higher in 1999. During May of that year, he announced the $8.3 billion purchase of Outdoor Systems Inc., the largest U.S. outdoor advertising company, and merged it into the Infinity business. Karmazins most significant move during 1999 however, was the deal he struck with Viacom Inc. in September. Just as the FCC began allowing companies to own more than one television station in one market, Karmazin met with Sumner M. Redstone, Viacoms infamous CEO, to discuss merger options.

Much like the 1996 Westinghouse deal, Redstone shot down Karmazins offer to buy Viacom. Karmazin then offered CBS to Redstone, who eventually made a $37 billion proposal to merge the two companies together. Viacom completed the CBS purchase in May 2000 for a total price of $39.8 billionone of the largest media deals in history. Infinity became a subsidiary of Viacom as a result of the deal. Karmazin was named Viacoms president and chief operating officer while remaining CEO of Infinity.

Infinity Prospers in the New Century

Under new ownership, Infinity continued to grow in the early years of the new century. During 2000, it acquired 18 radio stations from competitor Clear Channel Communications Inc. The firm also purchased Giraudy SA, an outdoor advertising company based in France. During that year, Viacom announced that it would purchase the remaining shares of Infinity that it did not already own, taking the business private for the third time in its history.

According to an August 2000 Electronic Media article, industry analysts considered Infinity to be one of the most powerful cash-flow machines in U.S. media. The article went on to state that its clear that the company is fixed on taking radio consolidation and cross-media expansion to the next level. Infinitys 2001 cash flow in fact, was projected at $2 billioncash which Viacom could use to fund further expansion. The article also suggested that Viacom, CBS, and Infinity had yet to realize all of the benefits and synergies of the Viacom/CBS merger.

During 2001, Karmazin named Farid Suleman president and CEO of Infinity. One year later however, Suleman resigned and John Sykes, a former executive of Viacoms MTV Networks Group, took the helm. Karmazin, who had orchestrated Infinitys rise to the top of the industry, remained president and COO of Viacom. During 2002, Infinitys operations included that of the Viacom Outdoor Group, the largest outdoor advertiser in the U.S., and nearly 185 radio stations. With a media giant as its parent, Infinity stood positioned for continued growth well into the future.

Principal Competitors

Clear Channel Communications Inc.; Cumulus Media Inc.; Lamar Advertising Company.

Further Reading

Bachman, Katy, Karmazin Ups Suleman to Infinity President/CEO, Mediaweek, February 26, 2001.

Barry, David, Jim Hard: He Played a Part in How the West Was WonBy FM Radio, Business Journal-San Jose, April 2, 1990, p. 12.

Breznik, Alan, In IPO, Infinity Pitching WFAN to Street, Crains New York Business, January 6, 1992, p. 4.

CBS Takes Radio Public, Communications Daily, August 28, 1998.

Farhi, Paul, Bad Taste, Good Business: To His Employer, Howard Stern Easily Passes a Classic Cost-Benefit Test, Washington Post, March 27, 1994, p. HI.

Flint, Joe, Infinity No Stranger to FCC Complaints, Broadcasting, November 30, 1992, p. 37.

Kamen, Robin, To Infinity and Beyond: Mel Takes on CBS, Crains New York Business, November 24, 1997, p. 1.

Higgins, John M., and Paige Albiniak, CBS Radio Becomes Infinity, Broadcasting & Cable, August 31, 1998.

The Infinite Possibilities of Radio, Broadcasting & Cable, September 6, 1993, pp. 323.

Kanter, Bruce, Westwood One and Infinity Broadcasting Enter Into Letter of Intent for Westwood One to Acquire Unistar Radio Networks, Business Wire, October 11, 1993.

Lippman, John, New Notch for Infinity: KRTH Acquisition Continues Radio Group Owners Trend, Los Angeles Times, June 18, 1993, p. D1.

Mermigas, Diane, Behind the Deal; Viacom/Infinity, Electronic Media, August 21, 2000, p. 18.

, Viacom: To Infinity and Beyond, Electronic Media, August 7, 2000, p. 27.

Mirabella, Alan, Is Summit Kissing WRKS Goodbye?, Crains New York Business, December 6, 1993, p. 1.

Petrozzello, Donna, Westinghouse, Infinity Become One, Broadcasting & Cable, January 6, 1997, p. 108.

Siklos, Richard, Viacom-CBS: They Have it All Now, Business Week, September 20, 1999.

Viles, Peter, Infinity Unbowed, Broadcasting, November 30, 1992, pp. 4 +.

Dave Mote
update: Christina M. Stansell

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