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in·fil·trate / ˈinfilˌtrāt; inˈfil-/ • v. [tr.] 1. enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, esp. in order to acquire secret information: other areas of the establishment were infiltrated by fascists. ∎ fig. permeate or become a part of (something) in this way: computing has infiltrated most professions now. ∎  Med. (of a tumor, cells, etc.) spread into or invade (a tissue or organ).2. (of a liquid) permeate (something) by filtration: virtually no water infiltrates deserts such as the Sahara. ∎  introduce (a liquid) into something in this way: lignocaine was infiltrated into the wound.• n. Med. an infiltrating substance or a number of infiltrating cells.DERIVATIVES: in·fil·tra·tion / ˌinfilˈtrāshən/·fil·tra·tor / -ˌtrātər/ n.

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