Yasodhara Ashram

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Yasodhara Ashram

A spiritual retreat and study center founded in Canada in 1962 by German-born Swami Sivananda Radha, a disciple of the late Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Rishikesh, Himalayas,

India. The Yasodhara Ashram is situated in a picturesque rural location and includes residential buildings, a guest lodge, prayer rooms, bookstore, office, and a Temple of Divine Light.

In addition to the ashram residents, facilities are offered for temporary residents to follow teaching programs in courses and workshops dealing with Eastern spiritual teachings and Western techniques for self-development. A yoga teachers course is also organized. The ashram publishes the journal Ascent four times a year and issues tape and disc recordings concerned with meditation, mantras and kundalini yoga. Address: Yasodhara Ashram, Box 9, Kootenay Bay, British Columbia, Canada VOB 1XO. Website: http://www.yasodhara.org.

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