Soule, Minnie Meserve (d. 1936)

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Soule, Minnie Meserve (d. 1936)

Trance medium of the American Society for Psychical Research, known in early experiments under the pseudonym "Mrs. Chenoweth." For many years J. H. Hyslop made interesting tests in cases of obsession with her mediumship. She produced excellent trance phenomena, similar to those of Leonora Piper. Soule was controlled by "Imperator" and "Sun-beam," the spirit of a child.

In the publications of the Boston Society for Psychic Research, an interesting record of séances narrates the experiences of Lydia W. Allison, with supplementary material by Walter Franklin Prince, under the title Leonard and Soule Experiments in Psychical Research (1929). An earlier work, Spirit Messages (Rochester, 1914), dedicated to the medium Hiram Corson of Cornell University, recorded unique communications received through Soule, apparently from Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and many other eminent minds.


Allison, Lydia W. Leonard and Soule Experiments in Psychical Research. Boston: Boston Society for Psychic Research, 1929.

Thomas, John F. Beyond Normal Cognition. Boston: Boston Society for Psychic Research, 1937.

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