Omez, Réginald, O.P. (Order of Dominicans) (1895-?)

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Omez, Réginald, O.P. (Order of Dominicans) (1895-?)

Dominican priest who studied parapsychological subjects. He was born October 12, 1895, at Tourcoing (Nord), France. He studied at Le Saulchoir, Université Francaise des Dominicains (D. Theol., 1922), and the Dominican University, Rome, Italy (Ph.D., 1924). Omez joined the faculty of Dominacan University in 1922 and taught while completing his doctorate. He remained there until the beginning of World War II. In 1942, he became the French and international chaplain of Catholic Writers and Journalists. He was a member of the French Association for Metapsychical Studies and the Society of Friends of the Institut Métapsychique International.

Omez authored a number of books and articles on religious subjects and has also published in the paranormal field. His books include: Le Subconscient (The Subconscious Mind) (5 vols., 1949-1953), Etudes sur le subconscient (Studies of the Subconscious) (1954), Peut-on communiquer avec les morts? (Can We Communicate with the Dead?) (1955), Supranormal ou surnaturel? (Supernormal or Supernatural?) (1956), Religione E. Scienze Metapsichiche (Religion and the Metaphysical Sciences) (1957), Médecine et Merveilleux (Medicine and the Supernatural) (1956), Le Gouvernement Divin: Coopération des hommes et des esprits (God's Rule: Cooperation of Men and Spirits) (1959), Le monde des ressuscités (The World After Resurrection) (1961), Jeunesse eternelle (Everlasting Youth) (1962), and L'Occultisme devant la science (Occultism and Science) (1963).

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