Meyer, Jean (d. 1931)

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Meyer, Jean (d. 1931)

French industrialist, a fervent adherent of the Spiritist doctrines of Allan Kardec, founder of the Maison des Spirites (8 Rue Copernic, Paris), which aimed, under his personal supervision, at the diffusion of this knowledge. He was also a founder of the Institut Métapsychique International, which pursued psychical research and was recognized as of public utility by the French government in 1919. He endowed the institution with a portion of his fortune, took a personal interest in its work, and presented it, shortly before his death, with an infrared installation at a cost of 200,000 francs.

The following story indicates the fair-mindedness of Jean Meyer in sponsoring both Spiritualism and scientific research. After the death of Gustav Geley, director of the Institut Métapsychique, Meyer desired to appoint Eugèn Osty as his successor. Osty pointed out that the institute would require complete scientific liberty, and asked, "What would you say, if from the laboratory of the Institut there were to issue some day studies of fact which would suggest that the teaching of the Maison des Spirites is in whole or in part illusory interpretation of facts produced exclusively by the innate powers of man as yet unknown?"

With courageous confidence in both Spiritualism and science, Meyer replied: "Yes, I accept the risk. I know you for a sincere researcher. That is enough for me."

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