
views 1,789,853 updated May 14 2018


Occult adepts who are supposed to have reached a superhuman stage but have elected to remain on Earth and guide seekers after wisdom. The founding and guidance of the Theosophical Society was supposed to be due to the activity of hidden Masters or Mahatmas living in remote Tibet. Since the idea of the Masters and their Great White Brotherhood has been popularized, numerous groups such as the several Alice Bailey groups, the I Am Movement, and the Church Universal and Triumphant, now advocate a relationship to the Masters.

Much of Western occultism derives from romantic concepts of adepts with magical powers, but in Hinduism, mystical awareness of God-realization is considered superior to paranormal feats, and to the Hindu pupil, the Master is his guru, or spiritual teacher. The term Mahatma is used to indicate a special guru or "great soul," and Maharishi or Maharshi denotes a great sage of transcendental wisdom. Another Sanskrit term Paramahansa (literally "greatest swan") is given to a very exalted mystic.

The primary Masters claimed by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, one of the founders of Theosophy, were: Koot Hoomi Lal Singh (usually signing letters "K.H."), the Master Morya (known as "Master M."), Master Ilarion or Hilarion (a Greek), Djual Khul (or "D.K."), and the Maha Chohan.


Jinarajadasa, C. The Early Teachings of the Masters. Chicago: Theosophical Press, 1925.

Johnson, Paul. In Search of the Masters: Behind the Occult Myth. South Boston, Va.: The Author, 1990.

Leadbeater, Charles W. The Masters and the Path. Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1925.


views 2,979,888 updated Jun 11 2018

masters Masters Tournament a prestigious US golf competition, held in Augusta, Georgia, in which golfers (chiefly professionals) compete only by invitation on the basis of their past achievements. It has been held annually since 1934.

See also master, no man can serve two masters, serve two masters.

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