Joire, Paul (1856-?)
Joire, Paul (1856-?)
Professor at the Psycho-physiological Institute of Paris, president of the Societé Universelle d'Etudes Psychiques, and distinguished psychical researcher. His studies in hypnotism and in the obscure area of the exteriorization of sensitivity are especially noteworthy. He invented a device named the sthenometer to demonstrate the existence of a force that seemed to emanate from the nervous system and was capable of acting at a distance and causing movement of objects without contact.
His book Psychical and Supernormal Phenomena (1916) is an important contribution to psychical literature.
Joire, Paul. Précis historique et pratique de Neuro-Hypnologie. N.p., 1892.
——. Traité de Graphologie scientifique. N.p., 1906.
——. Traité de l'Hypnotisme expérimental et thérapeutique. N.p., 1908.