Inner Voice

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Inner Voice

An auditory sensation covered, whether subjective or objective, by the term clairaudience. Clairaudience is usually conceived of as a purely mental phenomenon. One interesting description of the inner voice was offered by medium T. Herbert Noyes, before the London Dialectical Society in the last century: "I know that I should excite the derision of the sceptics if I were to say that I have conversed with spirits after a fashion which was asserted to be that in which spirits communicate with each otherby an "inner voice," which I could only compare to the sensation which would be caused by a telegraphic apparatus being hooked on to one of the nerve-gangliaa distinctly audible click accompanying every syllable of the communication, which one could not say one heard, but of which one was made conscious by a new sense, and which was clearly distinguishable from thoughts originated in one's own mind."

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