The Holonomics Group

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The Holonomics Group

Founded in November 1977 by Alan J. Mayne and others to help promote a unified approach to science, parascience, philosophy, religion, the arts, human development, and human affairs and to provide a forum for the discussion of ideas relevant to this theme. The group issued a newsletter, Holon, presenting concepts and principles of Holonomics, as well as notices of relevant societies, meetings, reports, and projects. The group maintained a register of interests and personal statements of members to assist them in contacting each other on related interests and experiences and to stimulate the exchange of ideas. A communication network allowed members and other interested individuals to arrange informal discussions and meetings.

The group also aimed to provide an environment that encourages relevant interdisciplinary research. Last known address: The Holonomics Group, c/o Alan Mayne, 63A Muswell Ave., London, N10 2EH, England.

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